Offizielles Museum des Bundes Deutscher Karneval e.V.

German Carnival Museum

Discover a German tradition that will probably change your mind about this nation, generally known as quite serious people. Dating back to the Middle Ages, the Fastnacht/ Fasching/ Karneval is the time of an upside-down world — parties and shows, processions, masks, disguised people on the streets, drinking, eating doughnuts, blocking the traffic. Every area has its own customs, a part of them is presented in the museum. Just come in, learn about tradition and have fun.

Please follow the link to download further information - please note that the entrance fees you find on the folder are not up to date.

Opening hours
Tuesday – Sunday
1.00 – 5.00 pm
Open on Carnival Monday

Closed during the Christmas period until 9th of January 2022.

Groups and foreign tourists every day at all times by prior agreement.

Adults 5,55 €
Reduced 4,44 €
Children up to 6 years free

Guided tours on request
Please call 0049 9321 9276890 or 0049 9321 23355 or write to

Accessible to the handicapped.